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2012-02-25 11:32:34




这些年,我买了几辆沃尔沃汽车,现在有一辆S60和一辆V70,我都非常喜爱。车非常坚固,操纵性很好,驾驶起来非常放心,有很高的安全感。这对我来说是非常重要的,因为我肩负着养家重担,同时又不想放弃驾驶的乐趣。我历来喜欢开车。大概在10岁的时候我就开始开车了。起初是坐在我爷爷的腿上跟他一起开农场拖拉机,接着是开农用卡车,那是一辆老福特,就是“Old West”画报上看到的那种车,有些地方已经把它废弃了,正在锈掉。待我刚能干活时,大约在12岁能割草了,我便开始买玩具车,包括迷你自行车、卡丁车、两辆破旧的西姆卡(Simcas),后来我将它们装配成了一辆能跑的汽车,以及摩托车。在我16岁时我拥有了第一辆能上街行驶的汽车 - 一辆1965款福特野马。从那时候起,我前后一共拥有了至少15辆汽车。




I’ve just received the Volvo C70 to drive and play with for a few days. What fun!

I’ve owned several Volvos over the years – a S60 and a V70 – and have a soft spot for them. The cars are so solidly built, handle very well, and give me both great confidence in driving and a wonderful sense of safety; all very important things to me, as I’m raising a family, yet not wanting to give up the pleasure of driving. I’ve always loved to drive. At probably 10 years old, I started driving. I would sit on my grandfather’s lap at first on his farm tractor, and then the farm truck – an old Ford that you would see in pictures of the Old West, rusting away in some field. As soon as I could work – mowing lawns at about 12 years old – I started to buy toys: mini-bikes, go-karts, two old Simcas which I assembled into one running car, motorcycles and then my first street car at 16 – a 1965 Ford Mustang. Since, I’ve owned at least 15 cars.

My Volvos continued the pleasures of being on the road for me. They were cars that I could afford at the time, and I still believe were the best cars for the money. Getting my hands on the very stylish and well designed C70 was a treat. The first day, I put the top down and drove to dinner through the canyons, because to me, convertibles are best for off-the-highway driving. It was chilly, so the heat was on and the windows up, but the sky was right there. On Sunday, I took my family to Geoffrey’s for brunch, again top down – even with June Gloom and warm clothing. My entire family enjoyed the ride along the coast.

The car is simple and well laid out. Nicely designed for the driver. The seats, as always, are Volvo comfortable and easily adjusted to find the right fit. It’s quiet in spite of being a convertible and pretty stiff, which I prefer. It handles very nicely and offers a great sense of being totally in control, while providing the driver the comfort of knowing that it will do what is asked of it.  Putting the top up and down is great fun, and it’s also fun to watch people watching it. Even though hardtop convertibles are common today, the wonder of the engineering never passes.

It’s a terrific car – I was sorry to return it!--- George

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